
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Year 7 Experience

My year as a year 7 is really fun its just the people I've been with from Freeville School  and last week was adventure week and I got sunburnt at Jellie Park on Thursday and it hurt.  The adventure week was only for year 7 and 8 seniors, it was 4 days of fun and then on Friday it was Rumbustification day at school so that was fun and then this week is a 2 half days of school left before school ends for the whole year and then

Thursday, August 8, 2019

how to write a good comment

how to write a good comment

you have to wirte in a spcific way for people  to understand you

and u have to be poltie to people and be kind  be posative and spective add new information

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

morning rotation

getting to know new pepole.

getting to lern stuff from new teachers